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READJUST addresses the inequalities and the challenges the twin transition poses to social justice across all levels of governance. It does so by tracking, assessing, and analysing different aspects of inequalities. The goal is to provide policy recommendations that can help policymakers mitigate and prevent the injustices in which an ungoverned twin transition would result.

To this end, READJUST defines "inequalities" according to the Multidimensional Inequality Monitoring Framework (MIMF) established by the European Commission.1 In the MIMF, it is argued that: "The pursuit of a more equal and fairer Europe requires extensive knowledge on prevailing inequalities across multiple life domains. Inequality is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and every attempt to assess multidimensional inequalities comes with a number of conceptual and empirical challenges."2

Although a promising start, the MIMF is limited in its applicability. It only provides generic country-level inequality indicators, but no specific indicators for different policy domains such as the green and digital transition.

This is why READJUST is enriching the MIMF and the discourse of tackling inequalities by considering both horizontal inequalities and spatial inequalities and tailoring its approach to the case of the twin transition.

The empirical focus in READJUST is on the domains of agri-food and mobility. The decision to prioritise these sectors is based on several factors, most of all their significant environmental and social relevance, and a distinct potential for transformative change. These two sectors are essential for economic development and play a crucial role in people's daily lives, making them key areas for implementing sustainable and equitable policies.

1 European Commission (2024): A Multidimensional Inequality Monitoring Framework for the European Union, online available at: https://composite-indicators.jrc.ec.europa.eu/multidimensional-inequality.
2 Ibid.