FITTER-EU is aimed at contributing to existing research on the origins, dynamics and determinants of inequalities and enable anticipatory governance to support a fair and inclusive twin transition in Europe. The project innovates through the formulation and development of an ecosystem that includes an interactive and gamified Digital Plat-form powered by an Intelligent Predictive Decision Support System. Through a Co-Creation methodology, the ecosystem aims to enable policymakers to better predict which social groups may be at risk of being adversely affected by the twin transition policies under different scenarios.ST4TE
ST4TE project aims to provide a comprehensive view of the drivers of the twin transition (TT)s, the inequalities that emerge or are widened by the transitions, and a set of poli-cies to build greener, more equal and more productive societies. The project will spe-cifically: (1) Investigate the impact of the green and digital transitions on inequalities among individuals and territories and explore how existing inequalities affect the TT paths creating cycles of inequalities; (2) Model the effects of TT policies, develop for-ward looking scenarios, and define pathways for knowledge-based policymaking using tools and recommendations that will ultimately address negative socio-economic effects caused by the TT.